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I am in my late 20s and feel I have wasted a lot of time. Is it too late for me to achieve something worthwhile?

 It's never beyond any good time to accomplish something beneficial. Numerous effective individuals didn't get comfortable with themselves until some other time throughout everyday life. Your 20s are as yet a youthful age, and you have a lot of chance to seek after your interests and make significant commitments. Here are a few stages you can take to get everything rolling:

1. **Reflect on your inclinations and goals:** Set aside some margin to ponder the main thing to you and what you're energetic about. This will assist you with distinguishing what you need to accomplish.

2. **Set clear and feasible goals:** Separate your bigger desires into more modest, significant stages. Setting explicit, quantifiable, feasible, applicable, and time-bound (Savvy) objectives can assist you with keeping on track and persuaded.

3. **Educate yourself:** to seek after, concentrate on learning and acquiring information. This could include taking courses, understanding books, or looking for mentorship.

4. **Take action:** Don't let dread or self-question keep you down. Begin moving toward your objectives, whether it's going after a position, beginning a side task, or systems administration with experts in your ideal field.

5. **Stay resilient:** Comprehend that misfortunes and disappointments are a characteristic piece of the excursion. Remain tough even with difficulties and continue to push forward regardless of deterrents.

6. **Surround yourself with support:** Search out coaches, companions, and relatives who can give consolation and direction en route. Having a steady organization can have a tremendous effect in your excursion.

Keep in mind, everybody's way to progress is remarkable, and there's nobody size-fits-all methodology. Center around your own excursion, remain focused on your objectives, and have confidence in your capacity to have a constructive outcome, regardless of your age.

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