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What are some mind-blowing facts about Google?

 Here are a few stunning realities about Google

1. **Origin of the Name:** The name "Google" began from an incorrect spelling of "googol," which alludes to the number 1 followed by 100 zeros. The name mirrors the pioneers' central goal to coordinate the immense measure of data accessible on the web.

2. **First Google Doodle:** The primary Google Doodle was made in 1998 when the organizers, Larry Page and Sergey Brin, went to the Consuming Man celebration. They set a stick figure drawing behind the second "o" in the Google logo to demonstrate their nonattendance from the workplace.

3. **Goats as Lawnmowers:** Google once leased goats to assist with cutting the yards at their base camp in Mountain View, California. The goats were gotten to nibble on the grass and control the weeds in a harmless to the ecosystem way.

4. **Gmail April Simpletons' Joke:** Gmail was declared on April 1, 2004, persuading many individuals to think it was an April Morons' Day joke. Notwithstanding, it ended up being a genuine item and has since become one of the most famous email administrations on the planet.

5. **Employee Perks:** Google is known for its broad representative advantages, including free connoisseur dinners, on location wellness focuses, rub treatment, and, surprisingly, on location clinical benefits. These advantages are intended to establish an agreeable and useful workplace for representatives.

6. **Google Guides Traffic Data:** Google Guides gathers unknown area information from cell phones to give constant traffic data. This information is utilized to compute traffic speeds and give exact evaluations of movement time.

7. **Google's Most memorable Tweet:** Google's most memorable tweet was sent on February 26, 2009, and it just said, "I'm feeling fortunate." This was a reference to the "I'm Feeling Fortunate" button on Google's web crawler, which takes clients straightforwardly to the primary query output.

8. **Acquisition of YouTube:** Google procured YouTube in 2006 for $1.65 billion. At that point, it was perhaps of Google's biggest obtaining and has since turned into the biggest video-sharing stage on the web.

9. **Google's Quantum Computer:** Google has fostered a quantum PC called Sycamore, which accomplished "quantum matchless quality" in 2019 by playing out a computation that would take even the most impressive traditional supercomputers millennia to finish.

10. **Alphabet Inc.:** In 2015, Google went through a corporate rebuilding and turned into an auxiliary of Letters in order Inc., a holding organization made to house Google's different organizations and drives. Larry Page turned into the Chief of Letter set, while Sundar Pichai turned into the President of Google.

These are only a couple of captivating realities about Google, an organization that significantly affects the manner in which we utilize the web and access data.

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