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What do people in Silicon Valley plan to do once they are over 35 since most will neither make it big nor move up the management chain of command?

 While the tech business in Silicon Valley frequently praises youth and advancement, there are a lot of chances for people more than 35 who might not have made unicorn startup progress or ascended the professional bureaucracy into the board jobs. Here are a few likely ways for people in Silicon Valley beyond 35 years old:

1. **Specialize and Develop Expertise:** Numerous experts in Silicon Valley make progress by becoming specialists in specialty areas of innovation. By developing their mastery in a particular space, whether it's programming, information science, network safety, or distributed computing, they can become significant resources for organizations looking for specific information.

2. **Transition into Counseling or Freelancing:** Experienced experts can use their insight and organizations to begin their counseling firms or work as independent project workers. Counseling permits them to apply their mastery to different activities and clients, offering adaptability and possibly higher pay.

3. **Entrepreneurship and Startups:** Age isn't a boundary to business. People more than 35 with industry experience and space information might have a superior comprehension of market needs and valuable open doors. They can send off their new businesses or join beginning phase organizations as prime supporters, utilizing their experience to build their odds of coming out on top.

4. **Education and Training:** A few experts progress into jobs in schooling and preparing, imparting their insight and experience to the up and coming age of tech ability. They can become educators, guides, or mentors in coding bootcamps, online courses, or college programs.

5. **Move into Item Management:** Item the executives jobs require a mix of specialized mastery, business insight, and relational abilities. Experienced experts with a profound comprehension of innovation and market needs can change into item the executives jobs, driving item improvement groups and driving development.

6. **Transition into Tech-Adjoining Industries:** Silicon Valley's impact reaches out past customary tech organizations. Experts more than 35 can investigate open doors in tech-neighboring businesses like money, medical care, land, or sustainable power, where innovation assumes a huge part in development and disturbance.

7. **Focus on Balance between serious and fun activities and Wellbeing:** As people progress in their vocations, they might focus on balance between fun and serious activities, family, and individual prosperity. They can look for jobs that offer adaptability, remote work choices, and strong organization societies that esteem representative wellbeing.

8. **Networking and Local area Involvement:** Building solid organizations and taking part in industry networks can open ways to new open doors, coordinated efforts, and mentorship connections. Experts can participate in systems administration occasions, gatherings, and meetups to remain associated and investigate potential vocation ways.

Eventually, outcome in Silicon Valley isn't exclusively characterized by age, and there are different ways to satisfaction and accomplishment past the age of 35. By utilizing their abilities, experience, and organizations, people can proceed to flourish and make significant commitments to the tech environment.

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