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Given that no one can stop us if we wanted, should the USA take over the UK and Australia and use their natural resources (Australia) and geographic location (UK) to help enrich the USA?

* **Solid Alliances:** The US, UK, and Australia are close partners areas of strength for with ties. They coordinate through arrangements like AUKUS, which centers around shared protection systems in the Indo-Pacific.

* **Worldwide Backlash:** A powerful takeover would be met with serious global judgment and probable assents.

* **Pointless Conflict:** Both the UK and Australia have solid militaries and populaces that would wildly stand up to.

There are more useful roads for the US to work with these partners:

* **Exchange Agreements:** Existing economic accords as of now benefit every one of the three nations monetarily. Proceeded with participation can additionally reinforce economies.

* **Diplomacy:** The US can use relationship to impact strategy choices benefit all gatherings.

* **Joint Ventures:** Coordinated effort on asset extraction in Australia or key tasks in the UK can be gainful together.

History shows collaboration between solid countries prompts more prominent success than powerful predominance.

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