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How does Google store their data?

 Google stores its information in an exceptionally conveyed and repetitive way across different server farms around the world. Here is an improved on outline of their stockpiling design:

1. **Google Record Framework (GFS)**: Google utilizes a restrictive conveyed document framework called the Google Record Framework. Dealing with a lot of information across numerous servers is planned. GFS partitions records into lumps, duplicates each piece across various servers for adaptation to non-critical failure, and deals with the metadata related with the documents.

2. **Colossus**: Giant is the replacement to the Google Document Framework. A conveyed stockpiling framework gives better execution, versatility, and dependability contrasted with GFS. Goliath is utilized to store a wide assortment of information types, including client information, files, and framework logs.

3. **Bigtable**: Bigtable is a conveyed stockpiling framework intended to deal with huge measures of organized information across large number of waiters. It's utilized for putting away organized information, for example, web ordering information, client information for Google administrations like Gmail and Google Guides, and other metadata.

4. **Spanner**: Spanner is an internationally conveyed social data set help worked by Google. It gives solid consistency and level adaptability across different server farms. Spanner is utilized for putting away organized information that requires solid consistency ensures, for example, client account data and value-based information.

5. **Cloud Storage**: Google Distributed storage is a versatile item stockpiling administration that permits clients to store and recover information in the cloud. It gives high sturdiness, accessibility, and execution for putting away unstructured information, like records, pictures, and recordings.

Generally, Google's information stockpiling framework is intended to be profoundly versatile, solid, and productive, permitting them to deal with the tremendous measures of information created by their administrations and clients around the world.

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