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How was your experience on Google Pay(Tez)?

 As a computer based intelligence language model, I don't have individual encounters or feelings, so I haven't utilized Google Pay (previously known as Tez) or some other installment applications. Be that as it may, I can give data about its highlights, usefulness, and client criticism in view of accessible information.

Google Pay is a computerized wallet stage created by Google that permits clients to make installments, send cash to loved ones, take care of bills, re-energize prepaid cell phones, and the sky is the limit from there. It utilizes Brought together Installments Point of interaction (UPI) innovation to work with exchanges, making it simple for clients to move cash straightforwardly from their financial balances.

Input on Google Pay is for the most part sure, with clients valuing its effortlessness, comfort, and security highlights. Numerous clients find it valuable for regular exchanges, including dividing bills, paying for buys at stores, and moving cash to contacts.

In any case, similar to any advanced installment stage, Google Pay might experience periodic specialized issues or errors, and clients ought to follow best practices for security, for example, setting areas of strength for up techniques and keeping their record data secure.

Generally speaking, Google Pay has turned into a well known decision for computerized installments in India and different nations where it is accessible, offering a consistent and proficient method for overseeing funds and make exchanges carefully.

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