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My 16-year-old son has a full beard and won't shave. What should I do? How do I get him to shave it off? Should I just do it myself while he’s asleep?

Open a Discourse: Begin by having a discussion with your child about why he likes to keep his facial hair. It's conceivable he has reasons that he hasn't communicated at this point.

Express Your Interests: Offer your viewpoint smoothly and make sense of why you figure shaving may be smart. It very well may be connected with cleanliness, appearance for specific events, or simply an inclination you have.

Split the difference: On the off chance that he's impervious to shaving completely, maybe recommend managing the facial hair all things being equal. This can be a center ground that keeps up with his ideal look while tending to any worries you could have.

Regard His Choice: At last, it's his face and his decision. Assuming that he chooses to keep his facial hair, it very well may be something you want to acknowledge.

It's most certainly not fitting to shave his facial hair while he's snoozing. This could break his trust and cause superfluous clash. Keep in mind, it's a stage numerous young people go through, and with time, his inclinations might change.

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