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My 16-year-old son has a full beard and won't shave. What should I do? How do I get him to shave it off? Should I just do it myself while he’s asleep?

 It's justifiable that you could have overwhelming inclinations toward your child's full facial hair, however moving toward this present circumstance with deference for his independence and individual choices is significant. Here are a few stages you can take to resolve this issue:

### 1. **Open a Dialogue**

Start a quiet and conscious discussion with your child. Ask him for what good reason he likes to keep his facial hair and pay attention to his reasons without intruding. This can assist you with figuring out his viewpoint and give an establishment to common comprehension.

### 2. **Express Your Concerns**

Share your purposes behind believing that him should shave his facial hair, whether they are connected with prepping, cleanliness, social insights, or other individual worries. Tell the truth and clear, yet in addition circumspect of his sentiments.

### 3. **Discuss Compromises**

On the off chance that your child is appended to his facial hair, recommend potential trade offs. For instance, he could keep his facial hair however trim and keep up with it perfectly. This approach regards his craving to keep his beard while tending to any worries about its appearance.

### 4. **Involve a Professional**

Think about organizing a visit to a hairdresser. An expert can offer counsel on preparing and support, and your child may be more open to their ideas. In some cases, hearing it from a specialist can have an effect.

### 5. **Respect His Autonomy**

Regarding your child's independence over his body is critical. Constraining him to shave, particularly by doing it while he's sleeping, would probably prompt sensations of hatred and doubt. Such activities could harm your relationship and his feeling of individual limits.

### 6. **Lead by Example**

In the event that you have preparing propensities or inclinations, model those without forcing them. Show how you keep up with your own beard (if relevant) and clarify why it is important for you. Showing others how its done can once in a while be more successful than direct demands.

### 7. **Educate on Grooming**

Give data on facial hair care and support. At times, youngsters could disregard prepping basically in light of the fact that they don't have any idea how to appropriately focus on their facial hair. Teaching him on these viewpoints can assist him with settling on additional educated choices.

### 8. **Accept and Support**

Eventually, it's critical to acknowledge that your child is growing up and fostering his own personality. Supporting his decisions, regardless of whether they vary from your inclinations, can fortify your relationship and his certainty.

Moving toward this issue with compassion and regard will probably yield improved results and keep a positive relationship with your child.

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