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What are the best examples of software bugs that became features (aka misbugs)?

 Programming improvement has a captivating history of bugs that transformed into highlights, frequently upgrading the item surprisingly. Here are a few striking models:

Fix Component in Gmail: Initially, Gmail encountered a 5-second postponement while handling an email message. Engineers transformed this bug into the "Fix" include, permitting clients to drop sending an email inside that time frame1.

Secret Records in Unix/Linux: In Unix and Linux, documents beginning with a spot ('.') are covered up. This component began from a bug in the Unix virtual document framework, which wasn't fixed, and presently clients can conceal records basically by adding a speck before the document name1.

The Phantom Conduct in Pac-Man: The computer game Pac-Man highlighted simulated intelligence controlled phantoms that had a bug making them act sporadically on occasion. This bug was embraced by players and turned into an element of the game2.

These models show how intelligent fixes to programming bugs can prompt creative highlights that clients love.

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