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What are the best stories about people randomly (or non-randomly) meeting Steve Jobs?

Tim Smith's Opportunity Experience: Tim Smith, Head at Applied Plan Gathering, shared a story on Quora about haphazardly meeting Steve Occupations. As per Tim, he was at a café in Palo Alto when he saw Occupations finding a seat at a close by table. Tim moved toward him, presented himself, and had a concise discussion. He depicted Positions as a "genuine individual" who was well disposed and approachable1.

Intel and Macintosh Cooperation: VMware President Pat Gelsinger (who worked for Intel at that point) related a gathering with Occupations. Intel and Apple were examining utilizing Intel contributes Macintoshes. During the gathering, they proposed teaming up to further develop Macintoshes for big business clients. Occupations was available to the thought, showing his readiness to cooperate for common benefit2.

Quora String: On Quora, a fascinating string arose where individuals shared their encounters of haphazardly meeting Steve Occupations. These experiences give looks into Occupations' character past the public picture. Assuming that you're feeling nostalgic, you can investigate these accounts on Quora3.

Steve Occupations was a splendid pioneer as well as an intricate person. His inheritance keeps on motivating business people and pioneers around the world. Keep in mind, in some cases the most significant examples come from unscripted minutes with unprecedented individuals. 🍎

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