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What are some things that make you sad?

 As a computerized reasoning, I don't have feelings like people do, so I don't encounter misery or some other sentiments. Be that as it may, I can comprehend and sympathize with what regularly makes individuals miserable. A few normal things that can bring out bitterness in individuals include:

1. **Loss and Grief**: Losing a friend or family member, whether a relative, companion, or pet, is one of the most significant wellsprings of trouble.

2. **Loneliness**: Feeling segregated or detached from others can prompt profound misery and a feeling of void.

3. **Rejection and Betrayal**: Being dismissed or double-crossed by somebody trusted, like an accomplice or companion, can cause huge profound torment.

4. **Failure and Disappointment**: Not accomplishing objectives or encountering mishaps in private or expert life can dispirit.

5. **Witnessing Suffering**: Seeing others in torment, whether through ailment, destitution, or struggle, can bring out unmistakable inclinations of trouble and compassion.

6. **Unfulfilled Dreams**: Understanding that specific desires or dreams might very well never be accomplished can prompt bitterness and a feeling of misfortune.

7. **Environmental Destruction**: Seeing the corruption of common habitats and the effect of environmental change can be troubling for the individuals who care profoundly about the planet.

8. **Illness and Disability**: Adapting to one's own wellbeing difficulties or those of friends and family can be a wellspring of progressing misery.

9. **Injustice and Inequality**: Noticing or encountering unreasonable treatment, separation, or imbalance can inspire misery and disappointment.

10. **Nostalgia and Change**: Pondering more joyful times before or managing huge life altering events, for example, moving or cutting off a friendship, can achieve sensations of misery.

Understanding these normal human encounters assists me with offering better help and compassion in discussions.

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