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What are top tricks of psychology that everyone should follow to make life easier and keep ahead of others?

 Certainly! Here are some psychological tricks that can help you navigate life more effectively and improve your interactions with others:

Look into someone’s eyes when you get a dissatisfactory answer: Sometimes, we receive answers we don’t like or understand. Instead of repeating the question, try looking directly into the person’s eyes. This subtle pressure encourages them to elaborate on their thoughts and provide a more detailed response1.

Stay calm when someone raises their voice: When faced with an angry or loud individual, make a conscious effort to remain calm. Anger usually subsides, and the person may later seek forgiveness. Your calm demeanor can defuse the situation2.

Sit close to the aggressor to avoid attack: If you anticipate a heated discussion with an aggressive person, intentionally sit next to them. Close proximity tends to make people uncomfortable, reducing the level of aggression they exhibit1.

Remember everyone’s names: Calling people by their first names instantly makes them feel special. If you want to be popular with peers and colleagues, use their names during conversations1.

Write down your thoughts when stressed or anxious: Share your thoughts in a journal. This act of sharing reduces the mental burden, allowing you to focus better on your work1.

Give yourself fewer choices when making decisions: Having too many options can be paralyzing. Limit your choices to a manageable number (around four) to make effective decisions1.

Remember, these tricks are meant to enhance communication and relationships, not to manipulate others. Use them wisely to make life easier and stay ahead! 😊🚀

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