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What is the purpose of the black bars on the top and bottom of some videos? I understand that movies are projected on wide angle theatre screens, but what about the music videos on YouTube, which are mostly viewed on 16:9 screens?

For example, many movies and realistic substance are shot in a more extensive viewpoint proportion, for example, 21:9, which is a lot more extensive than the standard 16:9 perspective proportion of most current screens. At the point when such happy is played on a 16:9 screen without modifying the perspective proportion, dark bars are added to the top and base to abstain from extending or editing the picture, hence safeguarding the chief's expected framing1.

On account of music recordings on YouTube, despite the fact that they are generally seen on 16:9 screens, the utilization of dark bars can give the video a more realistic and vivid feel. An imaginative decision can likewise attract the watcher's concentration to the focal piece of the video, upgrading the visual narrating aspect2. Furthermore, it permits content makers to utilize similar arrangement across different stages and gadgets without settling for less on the visual experience1.

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