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What is the purpose of the black bars on the top and bottom of some videos? I understand that movies are projected on wide angle theatre screens, but what about the music videos on YouTube, which are mostly viewed on 16:9 screens?

For motion pictures, the dark bars are in many cases used to protect the first perspective proportion where the film was shot. Many movies are shot in more extensive perspective proportions than the standard 16:9 organization. At the point when these motion pictures are shown on a 16:9 screen without letterboxing, portions of the picture would be edited out, which could think twice about chief's planned outlining and sythesis.

With respect to music recordings on stages like YouTube, the presence of dark bars can rely heavily on how the video was delivered and transferred. Some music recordings are shot in more extensive perspective proportions for realistic impact or imaginative reasons. In these cases, the dark bars are added to save the planned outlining when seen on screens with various perspective proportions.

Furthermore, regardless of whether a music video is delivered in a 16:9 viewpoint proportion, it might in any case have dark bars on the off chance that it is transferred with letterboxing. This could be  conscious decision by the substance maker or the aftereffect of the video being encoded with dark bars for similarity purposes.

At last, the utilization of dark bars in recordings effectively keeps up with the trustworthiness of the first viewpoint proportion and guarantee that watchers consider the substance to be expected by the makers.

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