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How can I study for 10+ hours a day without getting depressed and how can I make myself get used to it?

 Reading up for extended periods can be intellectually and truly burdening, so it's critical to move toward it in a practical manner that focuses on your prosperity. Here are a few techniques to assist you with reading up for expanded periods without feeling discouraged or overpowered:

1. **Break it into reasonable chunks**: Break your review meetings into more modest, centered blocks of time (e.g., 1-2 hours) with brief in the middle between. This can help forestall burnout and cause the responsibility to feel more sensible.

2. **Set sensible goals**: Set explicit, attainable objectives for each study meeting. Center around gaining ground as opposed to attempting to cover everything simultaneously. Commend your achievements, regardless of how little.

3. **Create an agreeable report environment**: Find a peaceful, sufficiently bright space where you can concentrate without interruptions. Ensure your review region is agreeable and coordinated to advance efficiency.

4. **Stay hydrated and nourished**: Drink a lot of water and eat nutritious feasts and snacks to fuel your mind and body. Stay away from over the top caffeine or sweet food varieties, as they can prompt energy crashes.

5. **Incorporate physical activity**: Enjoy short reprieves to extend, stroll around, or do some light activity. Actual work can assist with further developing concentration, lessen pressure, and lift generally prosperity.

6. **Practice care and unwinding techniques**: Consolidate care contemplation, profound breathing activities, or moderate muscle unwinding into your review routine to assist with decreasing pressure and advance mental clearness.

7. **Stay associated with others**: Don't disengage yourself while reading up for extended periods of time. Keep up with social associations with companions, family, or study mates to battle sensations of forlornness and segregation.

8. **Take customary breaks**: Timetable ordinary breaks during your review meetings to rest and re-energize. Utilize this opportunity to take part in exercises you appreciate, like paying attention to music, perusing for delight, or investing energy outside.

9. **Prioritize self-care**: Set aside a few minutes for exercises that give you pleasure and unwinding beyond examining. Take part in leisure activities, work out, invest energy with friends and family, or enjoy taking care of oneself practices to keep up with balance and forestall burnout.

10. **Seek support if needed**: In the event that you're battling with sensations of despondency or overpower, feel free to out for help from companions, family, or emotional wellness experts. Focusing on your psychological well-being and prosperity while seeking after your scholastic goals is significant.

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