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Some paintings which look like random strokes by a little kid are auctioned off at huge prices. Can someone clarify what is special about these paintings that makes them so great?

 The worth and enthusiasm for workmanship can shift significantly contingent upon individual preferences, social setting, and the standing of the craftsman. Artworks that could seem, by all accounts, to be straightforward or irregular strokes to certain individuals can be profoundly esteemed by others in light of multiple factors:

1. **Emotional or Reasonable Depth**: Once in a while, apparently straightforward craftsmanship can convey profound close to home or theoretical implying that reverberates with watchers. The apparent straightforwardness may really be a purposeful imaginative decision to pass on a specific message or inspire specific feelings.

2. **Artistic Expertise or Technique**: While certain fine arts might seem shortsighted from the outset, they may really show an elevated degree of ability or imaginative strategy with respect to the craftsman. Indeed, even apparently arbitrary strokes can be deliberate and capably executed, exhibiting the craftsman's authority of their specialty.

3. **Historical or Social Significance**: Certain fine arts gain worth and importance over the long haul because of their authentic or social setting. Canvases by famous specialists, no matter what their clear effortlessness, might be profoundly pursued because of their relationship with significant developments, periods, or occasions in workmanship history.

4. **Scarcity or Rarity**: The worth of craftsmanship can likewise be impacted by its shortage or extraordinariness. In the event that a specific composition is a very rare example of works by a well known craftsman or is important for a restricted series, it might order a more exorbitant cost at sell off because of its unique case and collectibility.

5. **Market Patterns and Perception**: Workmanship markets are affected by patterns, discernments, and the activities of gatherers and financial backers. Once in a while, the worth of craftsmanship can be driven by promotion, hypothesis, or the activities of powerful purchasers, as opposed to characteristic creative characteristics.

At last, the worth of workmanship is abstract and can change broadly from one individual to another. What one individual might see as perfect or significant, another may not. It's vital to think about variables like imaginative expectation, authentic setting, and individual understanding while assessing the importance and worth of any work of art.

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